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3 100lb Carp | World Record Session

GOO Series 10

GOO Series 10

Spring Carp Fishing With Goo

Pete Holehouse Showing His Haul On Goo

Danny Fairbrass Winter Fishing With Goo

Rig Using Garlic Goo Hook Bait

Tom Dove Particle Fishing With Goo

Maggot Hook Bait Using Goo

Darrel Peck Catching On Wonder Berry

Danny Fairbrass Catching On Garlic And Squid Goo

Neil Spooner Talking Goo Hook Bait Choice

Neil Spooner Catching Quickly With Goo 

Team Korda Answering Your Questions About Goo 

Danny Fairbrass Catching On Goo

© 2011-2020 Kiana Carp Limited. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Goo ™ en bijbehorende handelsmerken zijn het exclusieve eigendom van Kiana Carp Limited.


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